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Chris Limeres’ artwork blends cosmic surrealism with natural and cultural elements, creating vibrant, otherworldly scenes. From celestial whales gliding through space to radiant cultural icons, each piece invites viewers to explore beyond the ordinary.

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Cosmic Howl
"I've always felt that wolves and dogs are somehow cosmically connected to the universe." -Chris Limeres
Oceans of infinity
"My love of the vast mysterious ocean, and my fondness of these great sea creatures, inspired me to create this piece." -Chris Limeres
"I see the sacred intricacy of the ecosystem and how our very D.N.A is tethered to every moon, plant, and creature ." -Chris Limeres
"Manhood has its trials but on Pandora, it's the will of the creator who acts upon those who're worthy ." -Chris Limeres
"I wanted to illustrate the statement into the belly of the beast but through the lens of science fiction." -Chris Limeres
Sensuality of the sea
"There are many magnitudes of beauty. I want to pull you into a new reality of sensuality seen through the lens
of sci-fi." -Chris Limeres
the soulfulness of the na'vi
"Seeing this moment on film, I was in awe. Kiri's eyes gaze over the ocean, her innocence preserved through the serenity below." -Chris Limeres
"This painting symbolizes the fusion between technology and our own flesh and blood and how we coexist."
-Chris Limeres
"The roar of the beast echoes through the vastness of space and into the strings of a guitar riff manifested by Def Leppard."
-Chris Limeres
"Aaliyah's unfortunate passing left a hole in the universe, but her legacy is eternal like the grandness of space."
-Chris Limeres
moonlight lover
"This painting is based upon a popular diva and her admiration for an esteemed lover." -Chris Limeres
the spirit of hawaii
"Capturing artistically the rich beauty and joyous spirit of the Hawaiian people and the Islands." -Chris Limeres
universal reach
"The concept appeared in a dream. A hand outstretched created great change. Its essence carried far into the stars."
-Chris Limeres
"The presence of dogs in my life transcends time. I pictured the jobs I worked at as a sanctuary planet I called it Dogtopia." -Chris Limeres
a canine's hEAVENLY GAZE
"The power of companionship lies in our relations to our loved ones. We are bound by our existence to animals. Inspired by The Neverending Story ."
-Chris Limeres
rise of serpiente emplumada
"The title translates to feathered serpent god known as quetzalcóatl praised by the Mesoamerican people his plume of feathers reflects his regalia!"
-Chris Limeres
faith of the creator
"With loving hands outstretched She provides the natural resources. I was inspired by magical powers in films." -Chris Limeres
N.y state of mind upon the nile
"I've always felt that NAS was this prolific figure in Hip-Hop as his older work depicted him through a historical lens."
-Chris Limeres
the expanse
"I felt compelled to bring this painting to the public as it shows the issues of modernism and how it can take over the natural world." -Chris Limeres
shamu's essence
"A painting I created for the commemoration of the Seaworld legend in all his glory." -Chris Limeres
iris of serenity
"There is a combination of soothing and focused thought behind the eyes." -Chris Limeres
"Maka Nani shows the past; it translates to beautiful eyes in Hawaiian. They guide us to a world of meaning"
-Chris Limeres
trials of land & sea
"This painting is based around the 1958 classic by the book One Thousand and One Nights it represents an epic journey." -Chris Limeres
a patient escape
"I thought about highlighting the stellar moments of this movie and giving it a twist in scale and drama."
-Chris Limeres
Sūn Wùkōng
"The name translates to the Monkey King. This unique Chinese tale represents individualistic heroism and faith."
-Chris Limeres
i'm safer in your arms at the sound of a melody
"When the music video for Don Toliver's Drugs & Hella Melodies dropped, I felt like replicating the moments of passion." -Chris Limeres
"A three panel tryptic which shows the layers between a nightmarish world and the chaos it forms." -Chris Limeres
legendary live eternally
"The title is a quote by Tupac; to me, it means that after death, my words and actions carry on like the universe."
-Chris Limeres
beyond the veil
Her voice is shielded in a veil of blue; gold is adorned around her delicate nature, yet deep in her piercing eyes, shrouded in a veil, there is a fierceness.
-Chris Limeres
His name meant feathered serpent he was known as a creator deity who brought forth the wind, rain, and livelihood to the Mesoamerican people.
-Chris Limeres
Also known as the Reef Triggerfish it's the state fish of Hawaii it was said to be Kamapua'a the hog child who was a shapeshifter who possessed mystical powers from the gods.
-Chris Limeres
"Blossom of the sea"
"The ocean breathes life into the islands as it becomes the root of fruition to its people." -Chris Limeres
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